วันศุกร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

I think a computer lab

Answer: 1 think a computer lab. I'd like to see more of a library, meeting facilities. ... I think an African American history museum would be wonderful for the area. This is a teaching tool on how to deal with differences, and hopefully we can expand on that. Question: How many students does the center serve in a year's time? Answer: In our annual report you can see that we have well over 10,000 students participate in different activities and servic- es. That's because we bring in lecturers, theatrical performanc- es, we have a library here for peo- ple to use. We have about 100 ac- tivities per year. That's with stu- dents doing their productions, with us putting on programming, then there are things that are more student centered. Then there are things that we co-spon- sor, with other departments. And ' then there are community things that we co-sponsor as well. Question: What other depart- ments on campus do you work with? Answer: The music depart- ment, women's studies, history. We do a big Martin Luther King program, which is co-sponsored with other departments like the Social Equity Office and the Pres- ident's Office. You have The En- tertainment Network, the Black Emphasis Committee
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