วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Milk Confrol Program For Ohio Aired

A proposal calling lor creation of state milk control program was" ntroduced to a group of area armers and some milk dealers at meeting Tuesday night. It was strictly an informational meeting, sponsored by the Lorain County Farm Bureau, to give airy interests an idea of the plan which will go before Ohio Legisla- ure in bill form in 1957. No stand was taken by the group ttending the session at Welling- on High School, and the man who xplained the proposal—Dr. Elmer Baumer, Ohio State University milk marketing specialist—also gave an impartial review of the tate plan which has been drawn up by the Ohio Milk Producers Federation. Cleveland Area Milk Producers Federation, through which many area farmers market heir milk, is a part of the state- wide federation. Practices Eliminated As Dr. Baumer explained it, the bill would have only one state- wide "mandatory aspect. That would be in the elimination of unfair trade practices. He said hat phase of the program would be designed to prevent rebates, efunds, bonuses to some pro- ducers without giving them to all who met specified conditions and o provide a check on auditing and bookkeeping in the milk ndustry. In other respects, however, the egislation would be noncompul- sory It was explained that milk producers in any given area could
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