วันพุธที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

WE'VE introduced a lot of new Buicks

WE'VE introduced a lot of new Buicks to the local scene—but never before one •* as new as this. Inside and outside, top to toe, end to end—this is the newest Buick yet. And it's not just new for newness itself—but new in ways that make driving more comfort- able, safer and more fun. I ou'll'see what we mean when you study these gorgeous new Buicks'close up. They're inches lower and stunningly styled from stem to stern —yet each is wondrotfsly roomy inside. They bring a wide-eyed new visibility of the road ahead with a rakish windshield that adds hundreds more square inches of glass area. They're new in ride, with a new contour frame chassis that "nests" your going -~ giving new readability with a lower center of gravityyet road clearance is unchanged. They're new in handling with a new Buick- developed ball-joint suspension that makes steering and cornering easier while it levelizes braking. But above and beyond all elsthese 1957 Buicks are brand new in performance: with a V8 engine that's new from the crank- shaft up, to give you the highest power and compression in all Buick annals. with an advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaf low* that brings you such instant response, such smoothness, such a full range of fluid motion in "Drive" that the need for "Low" is all but eliminated. All this covers only the big advances in die 1957 Buick. There are other wonderful new things—the new jafety instrument panel—the new color- mate interiors — the new counterbalanced brake pedals well over a hundred and fifty new features in all. As your Buick dealer, we're ready to show you these newest Buicks yet—and how easy you'll find it to call one your own. Stop in and see us this week. *N«o Aivmcti Krubl* PHck Dyiufiov is Jft> only Dviuflw B*ick bnildstod0y.lt M$t**d*r49* Rt*4m*ittr, Suftr *U Ctntm yoptiml mdit txtr toit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

